they already do worship satan
No Longer Held Captive
JoinedPosts by No Longer Held Captive
Hey Lurkers, Should We Worship Satan?
by metatron inok, so some witnesses try to explain why the animal creation is filled with pain and horror by claiming that satan made all the bad stuff.
so, you have mosquitoes, parasites and bloodthirsty dinosaurs with satan as creator.. the trouble with this is that the bible sez that god made all things and deserves worship thereby (rev.
putting satan in as a creator subcontractor means that he is owed worship by the same logic.
Any agnostics/atheists ever give the prayer at the K Hall?
by Open mind ininquiring minds want to know.
No Longer Held Captive
ex cop dub in north of scotland gave prayers and would bless the congregation with the sign of the cross, and gave the father, son, and holy ghost blessing....the elders said they had the matter in hand, and that the guy was just learning...the only time I have seen it.
Scientology Loses Fraud Case, A-list Member
by MadGiant insearch: scientology loses fraud case, a-list member.
with a fraud conviction, an oscar winner's angry departure and rumors of another a-list defection, the church of scientology is under fire.
here's a primer on the controversial religion and its recent round of negative press.. a paris court has convicted the church's french wing of fraud, after two ex-members alleged pressure to buy treatments and vitamins.
No Longer Held Captive
They are banned in Germany. Over 10 years ago, especially in Bayern, the Police raided all their offices and confiscated all they had.
When you apply for a job now in local or central government, they ask if you have ties to Jehovahs Witnesses or Scientology. They are barred from holding any kind of public posts.
The Bundeskriminalamt in Wiesbaden, Suritee in Paris, Le deuxieme Bureau not only have files, but individual offices dedicated to the investigation of these groups. Europe seems to be more stricter than in England where they have little idea of extreme religious groups and the havoc they cause.
? about Satan and Heaven
by juci32 ini have been thinking lately about how the jw's believe that satan was kicked out of heaven in 1914 after the war in heaven.. first of all, why did it take so long for jehovah to finally decide to kick him out of heaven from the time that he decieved and turned his back on jehovah in genesis?
why was satan allowed to have access to heaven in the between time up until 1914?.
also, if revelation is supposed to be a future event, why do the jw's use that event as "already occurred"?.
No Longer Held Captive
607,1914, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla....all these books are written for a specific time in the future, and as christ says it will come upon man in an instant. The german bibles says "schlinge", schlinge is a kind of trap, all seems okay, but when you least expect it, then the doors or trap shuts, then thats it...all we have are the signs, and what we are seeing now maybe just the very begining of it.....have a look at Alex Jones Fall of the Republic. Listen to other evangelists like chuck missler, have a look
The wbts is just another one of Satans mainstreams, though the other mainstreams will deny its mainstream, because they deny the trinity, but I think the trinity is nothing in comparison to what the wbts have done and even preach......Ministers of God, I doubt it, ministers of Satan, its open for debate.
? about Satan and Heaven
by juci32 ini have been thinking lately about how the jw's believe that satan was kicked out of heaven in 1914 after the war in heaven.. first of all, why did it take so long for jehovah to finally decide to kick him out of heaven from the time that he decieved and turned his back on jehovah in genesis?
why was satan allowed to have access to heaven in the between time up until 1914?.
also, if revelation is supposed to be a future event, why do the jw's use that event as "already occurred"?.
No Longer Held Captive
Its still future.
Satans ousting comes at the downfall of this system, at the 6th seal. And when he comes down, he does so in great anger cause he knows his time is short, namely 1260 days. Its still to come and when it does happen everyone will know about it. This will be the time of the great Apostasy, and its not brought about by any clergy, religion, or jws, but by the last king to come.
Revelation! It's grand climax at hand! Brand new book!
by hubert inwell, it's brand new, because even though it is copyrighted 1988, this book which i picked up at a salvation army store today, has probably never been opened.
it is brand new, even though it is 21 years old!
is it worth anything?
No Longer Held Captive
Moshe, they are all confused, because like all of their other publications, its full of shit, and no amount of new light ever going to change it. Just think of how that money couldve been better spent. Even that Daniel book. Full of Crap.
All full of crap from begining to end, and written in a way so as to make themselves out to be Gods people, and how they cunningly welded i n that 7 times idea into the live forever book, cunningly stating that 607-1914 was the gentile times.
Send all your wbts crap to me here in china, theres a guy I know whos moving into the luxury toilet roll business, because that all their crap is fit for.......the pdf on Pay Attention (the secret elders handbook), well thats doing really well, cant get enough printed off, its selling faster than we can print.
The disappointment and failed prophecies of Jehovah's Witnesses, a grand climax, when is that one coming out?
How Jehovah's Witnesses Differ From Cults
by Bangalore infound this article by some guy named john w scott that says jw's are not a cult.. .
No Longer Held Captive
But what christian makes false prophecy, fucks kids and covers it up,misuses the bible and family to create a climate of fear, has relations in the political field...I guess these count the wbts out as far as these topics are concerned.
They are dangerous. Worse than christendom and Scientology
How Jehovah's Witnesses Differ From Cults
by Bangalore infound this article by some guy named john w scott that says jw's are not a cult.. .
No Longer Held Captive
Full Topic on Toxic Teachings by Abusive WBTS Church Sect
What about Jw's thinking they are only ones preaching thru all earth before end comes?
by foolsparadise indoes this make them the true religeon according to jesus statment to apostles?.
No Longer Held Captive
And when jesus spoke, he was speaking to his apostles, nobody else, his intimate group.....and its this small intimate group who will preach this good news, and not the 7 million or so jws, it is only them that have the commision to preach and to teach, to heal and to perform miracles..and its still future, but very near future for sure.
What about Jw's thinking they are only ones preaching thru all earth before end comes?
by foolsparadise indoes this make them the true religeon according to jesus statment to apostles?.
No Longer Held Captive
There is this great joke on jws going into the kingdom.....everyone going on into the kingdom are asked what religion they are..Peter tells them the corresponding floor they are allocated to, but says when they reach the 13th floor they must be really quiet, all ask why they must be quiet, Peter replies that the jws are on that floor and that the poor souls are deluded in that they think they are the only persons there..............
I dont think who they are who they say they are. The desirable things are still yet to come out of the nations, the good news is still to be preached by these last two witnesses.....nobody knows who they are, but they are outside the ring of the wbts for sure. One jewish christian commentator mentioned melchizadek, and it could be that these men, who zechariah describes as standing before jehovah, it could be that their geneoligies cannot be traced?
Its still future for sure, there is a great article on it, but it must be broken down....